Ural chocolate is becoming a confectionery star in foreign countries

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Ural chocolate obtains foreign markets: in the first half of 2023, region manufacturers exported to other countries more than 270 tons of chocolate and other confectionery products containing cocoa 🍫

Chocolate, candies, pastes, caramels and marshmallows in chocolate glaze are exported the most. CIS and EEU countries stand out among the main customers of confectionery products: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Mongolia. The demand for the products of Ural manufacturers is also growing in Georgia (an increase by 5 times), as well as in China (8.5 tons were shipped for the first time according to the Ural Customs office).

The head of the Ural Customs office Alexey Frolov also noted that among the priority markets for the confectionery products export, in addition to the CIS and EEU countries, the Persian Gulf countries and China stand out 🍬
Source: shokolad.biz

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